Positions Manager

A better way to manage job-required licensure

Know whether caregivers have satisfied the license requirements for their position automatically.

Streamline requirements across your organization

Positions Manager in EverCheck allows you to set the license requirements for each position in your organization. EverCheck then automatically applies these requirements to caregivers based on their roles, so you know who's eligible to work and who isn't.

Assign requirements with flexibility

Using simple and/or logic, you're able to assign requirements to professions while still accounting for one-off scenarios, like additional licenses required for specific departments or locations. Compact licensure, internal transfers, and more are easily manageable, as well.

A better line of sight

Dive into the platform for insights into your caregivers' requirements, whether those requirements have been satisfied, what's outstanding, and more.

Meet both regulatory and organizational standards with little effort

Using Positions Manager alongside EverCheck's daily verification means you can feel confident that your caregivers have the active, valid licensure required for their roles at all times.

Let caregivers know what's needed

Caregivers who utilize EverCheck Wallet can see which licenses are required for their role and submit updates as needed. Now, your caregivers have better visibility and can stay proactive more easily.

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